ten lines

  1. It is hard to think when the air demands action.
  2. Dissatisfaction with reality is a skyhook that some people can spend their whole lives hanging onto.
  3. We’re in a bad split now: all the necessary materials to get real cyberpunk about things and just enough capital extraction processes at work to make it untenable.
  4. Gaming is essentially utopian. There is nothing more utopian than imagining a situation where the capability to solve problems are possible and actionable.
  5. It is important to recognize when the people wearing traditional costumes become monsters.
  6. I have no idea who it was that said 10 lines every day before breakfast; was it Elliot?
  7. Would repetition be fair? If so, any sufficiently satisfying breakfast includes the use of hot sauce.
  8. The inherent allure and appeal of repetition is found in the moment between two parallel mirrors: you get to glimpse into the worlds beyond echoed beyond.
  9. What hands have strived so long as mine, mute as stone-containing sculptures, waiting to chip and reveal?
  10. You can hate it all you want, but the explosion in rap is due to the death of poetry, because every soul needs poetry no matter what the words are shackled with.

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